St. Germain Flower Essences

Everything we can't make contact with, we "send" to the unconscious. And as Jung said, until we become conscious, the unconscious takes charge of our lives.

In the Floral therapy session, the individual's fixed pattern is identified. As a rule, it is something that cuts across several areas of the person's life, or common in different situations in life, attracted by this.

Devolvendo ao indivíduo uma consciência destes mesmos padrões, este pode deixar de escolher em função das suas fixações ou bloqueios.

Assim as escolhas podem ser feitas em função da sua essência, por onde a vida impele a ir, onde a vida pulsa.

Florals are made from water and flowers. They carry the vibrating frequency of the plant from which they are made, taking their energy to whoever takes them, transmitting and infusing the properties of the plant at levels that go beyond the physical level.

Florals put us in contact with very high vibration patterns, raising the vibratory level of those who take them, helping to recover mental, emotional and consequently physical health.

Floral therapy acts on emotions, supporting the processes in which the individual finds himself, in order to be able to reorganize and transform mental and behavioral patterns in order to reach a state of balance, harmony and health in his life.

Every physical symptom is the crystallization in matter of something more subtle, which can come from the order of thoughts, energy, beliefs and fears, as well as family patterns.

Floral essences act in the subtle field at the level of blockages, harmonizing physically, mentally and spiritually.

Floral Therapy Session for Children

There have never been so many children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, learning difficulties, bullying situations as there are today. Not because these situations did not exist in the past, but because nowadays, there is a greater awareness of the need for a more careful monitoring of these situations.
The Flower Remedies for Children consultation arose from the parents' need to provide more differentiated support, as an alternative to traditional (chemical) therapies.

Saint Germain Flowers do not contain active chemical principles, which allows them to be used safely. And this is one of the main reasons why parents seek flower essence therapy.
There is great concern about not subjecting children to chemical medication, of which the consequences are not known, once administered over a long period of time, questioning the effects that this can have on the system in the long term.

It is indeed distressing to imagine children of such a tender age, in dependence on chemicals.
As a flower essence therapist, observing the way the education system operates and listening to the concerns of parents, I realized that there was a lot to be done with flower essence therapy, to help parents and children in the challenges inherent in this phase of life.

I share the view that all children have unlimited potential. The way this manifests itself may differ from child to child.
It seems to me that there is a consensus that children excel in the creative process, in their ability to stay in the abstract and to push their imagination to its limits. What more can you ask for to make learning happen naturally and pleasantly?
And when learning does not occur in this way, what is blocked in the child that does not allow its evolution?

Studies presented by Rosana Souto, therapist and scholar of Saint Germain Flowers in education, indicate that many of the learning disorders originated in early childhood trauma.

In the floral therapy session, with the help of the parents, the blockage, where one has to work, is identified. The floral allows for a change of pattern to occur.
Although more ingrained patterns require some rhythm and perseverance in taking the floral, it can take a few months, my experience in prescribing florals is that in children the results appear much faster than in adults.

Florals are indicated for:









In the Floral therapy session, the individual's fixed pattern is identified. As a rule, it is something that cuts across several areas of the person's life, or common in different situations in life, attracted by this.

Devolvendo ao indivíduo uma consciência destes mesmos padrões, este pode deixar de escolher em função das suas fixações ou bloqueios.

Assim as escolhas podem ser feitas em função da sua essência, por onde a vida impele a ir, onde a vida pulsa.

Florals are made from water and flowers. They carry the vibrating frequency of the plant from which they are made, taking their energy to whoever takes them, transmitting and infusing the properties of the plant at levels that go beyond the physical level.

Florals put us in contact with very high vibration patterns, raising the vibratory level of those who take them, helping to recover mental, emotional and consequently physical health.

Floral therapy acts on emotions, supporting the processes in which the individual finds himself, in order to be able to reorganize and transform mental and behavioral patterns in order to reach a state of balance, harmony and health in his life.

Every physical symptom is the crystallization in matter of something more subtle, which can come from the order of thoughts, energy, beliefs and fears, as well as family patterns.

Floral essences act in the subtle field at the level of blockages, harmonizing physically, mentally and spiritually.